Hi everyone,
I want to use the option negative_gilist from blastp with the version blast 2.2.25.
I need to search a query against the swissprot database but I want to remove a set of sequences in my swissprot database. I saw that negative_gilist can restrict search of database to everything except the listed GIs . Here is my command line that I used:
/blast-2.2.25/bin/blastp -num_alignments 100 -evalue 1 -db /db/uniprot/uniprot/uniprot_sprot.fasta -query seq.fasta -out seq.out -negative_gilist sequence.gi.txt
*sequence.gi.txt is a GI list of the sequence that blastp doesn't have to take into account during the search.
I obtain this error message: BLAST Database error: GI list specified but no ISAM file found for GI
I searched what was the ISAM file and I found it was additional file with different information for the database as db.phr db.pin db.psq.... My swissprot database is formatted with formatdb with the option -o T, so it should give all the ISAM file. I noticed that I don't have the file with extensions: .pni and .pnd which seems to contain GI information. I can't figure it out why (I tried to reformat the database with formatdb andmakeblast_db, I can't obtain this file) but I don't know if it is why negative_gilist does not work.
Thanks for any help!
On this note, how come we can't search with Entrez queries when we do local searches? For instance, I would be more interested in excluding a whole phylum from my search rather than just a few GIs.