I was looking at the xenoRefGene table in the canFam2 database, grabbing genes that are associated with a range. My query results agree with the genome browser results for that range. Here's the thing I can't find: when I look at the genome browser but do not see in the xenoRefGene table is the species (or whatever, I am programmer, not a biologist).
For example, there are about 10 rows with name2 = 'orc6'. In the browser, these are identified at 'homo orc 6', 'bos orc 6', 'mus orc6', etc., but I do see where the homo|bos|mus is coming from. I assume that I can join on another table using either name or id, but none of the tables in the "connected tables and joining field" page for the table seems to have the data, and there aren't any FK constraints on the xenRefGene table that might provide a hint.
It would be good to figure out this particular issue, and even better if I could find something like an ER diagram that describes the way that the tables are related.
Thanks, I did look at the "describe table scheam" page for my table. That's where I found the "connected tables and joining field" section that I mentioned in my question. None of those tables has the species information. I suspect that list on the "describe table schema page" shows relations to other tables in camFam2, but the species information is in another database.
Thanks, I did look at the "describe table schema" page for my table. That's where I found the "connected tables and joining field" section that I mentioned in my question. None of those tables has the species information. I suspect that list on the "describe table schema page" shows relations to other tables in camFam2, but the species information is in another database.