Is there a simple way to visualize the family structure of pedigrees described in PLINK files?
It seems like all the necessary information is in the PED file but I could not find a straightforward way to visualize these families.
Is there a simple way to visualize the family structure of pedigrees described in PLINK files?
It seems like all the necessary information is in the PED file but I could not find a straightforward way to visualize these families.
For a quick and simple overview of the tree, I scan the .ped file twice with awk to generate a graphviz dot file (first to get the individuals, second to get the relationships) and I grab the X/Y positions of the nodes before transfroming it to SVG. It's far from being perfect ( order of the siblings, etc...) but that works. See my old post:
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Upvote: I have looked before and had no luck. Started writing an [r] script and got distracted. Seems like something should be out there.
You'll have to do some reformatting to get the PLINK ped file to be read into a format compatible with programs like Madeline (UMich), Cranefoot, or Pedfiddler
Thanks, I ended up writing a simple script that converts the PLINK peds to the Madeline peds. Thanks for making me aware of this software. I also don't know how to mark this as resolved since you posted as a comment :)
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