I'm using bfast 0.7.0a and testing on the paired end data present in the bfast user manual (Figure 5.4 in bfast-book.pdf). The format for this fastq file is shown that paired reads should follow sequentially in the file (read1*R1
, read1*R2
, read2*R1
, read2*R2
, etc). The same name is to be used for the sequential reads in a pair. So, the user manual data has 4 reads = two pairs. When I run bfast match:
bfast match -A 0 -t -n 16 -f hg19.fa -i 1 -r bfast_book.fastq
Checking input parameters supplied by the user ...
Validating fastaFileName hg19.fa.
Validating readsFileName bfast_book.fastq.
Validating tmpDir path ./.
**** Input arguments look good!
Printing Program Parameters:
programMode: [ExecuteProgram]
fastaFileName: hg19.fa
mainIndexes 1
secondaryIndexes [Not Using]
readsFileName: bfast_book.fastq
offsets: [Using All]
loadAllIndexes: [Not Using]
compression: [Not Using]
space: [NT Space]
startReadNum: 1
endReadNum: 2147483647
keySize: [Not Using]
maxKeyMatches: 8
keyMissFraction: 1.000000
maxNumMatches: 384
whichStrand: [Both Strands]
numThreads: 16
queueLength: 250000
tmpDir: ./
timing: [Using]
Searching for main indexes...
Found 1 index (1 file).
Not using secondary indexes.
Reading in reference genome from hg19.fa.nt.brg.
In total read 85 contigs for a total of 3101810128 bases
Reading bfast_book.fastq into a temp file.
Will process 2 reads.
Searching index file 1/1 (index #1, bin #1)...
There are four reads in this file; why does it say that it will process two reads? I've tested this on my own data as well. I just want to make sure that it is really aligning all four reads (as far as I could tell, bfast match is not paired-read aware; that comes in the postprocess step).
Thank you!
I would not get hung up on the what the message says, after all that could be a slight miscommunication they may have meant 2 pairs.
Instead look at the output SAM file and see how many reads and pairs have been aligned.
You're right; and I haven't taken it through to the next steps (localalign and postprocess). I will do so.