Hello, I am looking for metabolic profiling data on tomatoes. Do we have any online resource for metabolic data (on tomato) like we have Gene Expression Omnibus or Array Express for expression data, where we can download some data and analyze the raw data ?
You probably know about the Sol Genomics Network, but just in case, here's the link: http://solgenomics.net/ It might not have the data you need, but it might link you to some other places that do.
You can select a dataset avaiilable from ArrayExpress: link to ArrayExpress. or Much data about Tomoto is not available from GEO, only few for example GSE917
Not an answer but something you may find useful (metabolic pathway tool for tomato) , overlays 'omics data on metabolic pathways http://pathway.gramene.org/gramene/lycocyc.shtml