thanks.. since I am not familiar with python, while I replace the line# 28 in the script. I found the f.iv.chrom and f.iv.strand are not defined. So it will give an error like
IndentationError: unexpected indent. Can you help that?
I believe you used the UCSC version of gtf, right?
It seems that the author only tested this tool on ensembl version of gtf.
the problem with the GTF is that dexseq assumes that all transcripts with the same gene_id come from a single locus of transcription. For the UCSC GTF files this is not true. A locus of transcription is defined by the TSS_ID (transcript start ID)!
Just modify the tss_id to gene_id and gene_id to something else in the attributes column. And try again...
thanks.. since I am not familiar with python, while I replace the line# 28 in the script. I found the f.iv.chrom and f.iv.strand are not defined. So it will give an error like IndentationError: unexpected indent. Can you help that?
thanks, I think I solved it. python script start with space, not tab.
i have exacltly the same problem
can you please show how what you changed in the dexseq_prepere_annotaion script you changed? with some code lines before and after
im trying to generate gff from gtf of hg19