I am looking for the text about introduction to NGS data analysis and its challenges. Is there any suitable literature (book or review article) on statistical challenges for analyzying NGS data?
I am looking for the text about introduction to NGS data analysis and its challenges. Is there any suitable literature (book or review article) on statistical challenges for analyzying NGS data?
Check the tutorial section for a head start.
Few posts:
There's also an excellent seminar series on iTunesU that covers a wide range of NGS topics - very appropriate for NGS newbies, grad students, etc. - sponsored by the Smithsonian Institution
Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History - Next Gen Sequencing https://itunes.apple.com/us/itunes-u/next-gen-sequencing/id419187633?mt=10
There's also George Church's lectures on NGS and genomics at the MIT Open University https://itunes.apple.com/us/itunes-u/genomics-computational-biology/id341598226?mt=10
My be this not what you are looking for, but this might be helpful http://www.csc.fi/english/csc/courses/archive/ngs_workshop
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Is there any book about it?
The field is moving too fast for any book to be relevant for too long. The best you can do is maybe check books on microarray analysis.
I added one book, can't suggest a specific book. Check few hints here
You need to read papers, not books. Are you able to search PubMed effectively?
yes, actually my focus is on computational challanges in the field of NGS data analysis. Still searching for good latest review on this objective.