What is the easiest way to lookup a GO term in Python, given the GO ID?
What is the easiest way to lookup a GO term in Python, given the GO ID?
You could use the QuickGO web services. These tools allow you to quickly download relevant information, given a GO ID.
For instance, take the ID GO:0006915.
import urllib
from xml.etree import cElementTree as ElementTree
def get_go_name(go_id):
#get the GO entry as XML
xml = urllib.urlopen("http://www.ebi.ac.uk/QuickGO/GTerm?id=GO:"+go_id+"&format=oboxml")
#open in cElementTree, for fast XML parsing
for event, element in ElementTree.iterparse(xml):
#need to make sure we are getting the name contained within the 'term' entry
if element.tag == 'term':
for child in element.getchildren():
#this is the name of the GO ID in the URL above.
if child.tag == 'name':
return child.text
print get_go_name('0006915')
This script should print 'apoptosis'
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currently biopython doesn't have support for GO. What do you want to do, exactly? what do you mean by 'lookup'?
It's not for Python 3.5 :(