i am new to genome assembly work. i actually don't know actually how to download the reference genome for staphylococcus aureus and from where. please can anybody guide me ?
i am new to genome assembly work. i actually don't know actually how to download the reference genome for staphylococcus aureus and from where. please can anybody guide me ?
Here's the actual link to get the Staphylococcus aureus genome. Actually, this database (AureusDB) seems to be the definitive place for Staphylococcus genomes. It looks like there are actually a few at NCBI (and possibly elsewhere) that you can download, but it looks like there are all in AureusDB. On second look, the Broad Institute database looks very complete, as does the one from the Sanger Institute. You should check them all out.
I would like to add this link with reference sequences for many species: http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/downloads.html (because you do not specifically mention staphylococcus in the title) for other people.
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Where you download a reference genome depends largely on what reference genome you plan to work with. Which genome do you want?
i want to download staphylococcus aureus genome
Thank you for editing your question and question title.
welcome... i later had thought to be more specific in asking my question.. and thank you for the answer it was very helpful