Hey guys,
I am a newbie in identifying TFs. I want to find transcription factors in our de novo assembled transcriptome, a non-model plant. I also read other posts in this forum, but I'm not quite sure how to do it.
I read a paper (PubMed ID: 21653784), the authors used HMM profiles already available in Pfam database or those from the domain alignments available at Plant Transcription Factor Database (PTFD) PTFD to identify TFs.
Would you mind giving me some guidance on this process?
Any replies or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
Thanks SES.
Now I'm using hmmscan script from HMMER suit for TFs identification against Pfam-A database, using the code
hmmscan Pfam-A.hmm Trinity.faa > outfile
. Is it right?As you mentioned, "Download the alignments for the TFs of interest". I wanted to construct a profile HMMs using hmmbuild, but hmmbuild needs alignfile format, how do you download or create such a alignfile format? For example, I downloaded plant TF sequences from PlnTFDB.
p.s. The Perl script PfamScan is also used for this purpose, the results seemed a little clearer. Which is better?
Regards, S.H.
@Izsph, if you click on one of the family names that will take you to a page with a "domain alignments" link.
@SES, I didn't notice that before. You helped me a lot. Thank you very much.