I have metagenomic Illumina data (HiSeq 101b reads- one paired-end, one 180b overlapped paired-end and two mate-pair (2-5k) lib). Can someone suggest/describe the best approach or a pipeline to do denovo assembly?
Thanks for all the suggestion. yes it is whole-genome "shotgun" metagenomic data from Illumina with 101bp paired reads. i have three libraries 1. 180bp overlapped paired library, 2. 2K mate-pair library, 3. 5K mate-pair library
I appreciate your suggestion
Thank you
is it transcriptome data or whole-genome sequencing data ?
Sounds like this is "shotgun" metagenomic data, unless there is some confusion here; metatranscriptomic usually means transcriptome data. @sebabiokr can you clarify if you have one or two libraries?
The software NxTrim was recently released here to remove Nextera Mate Pair adapters and categorise reads according to the orientation implied by the adapter location: