i'm writing a perl script that use qsub (for mpiblast). My problem is that the perl code don't wait to qsub finish. Did someone have a idea about that problem ?
$command=("qsub mpiblast_$VAR.sh"); system($command);# I would like to wait for qsub process and then use the output to parse the result
system() just returns the status of the command (1 for success). You may want to capture the output using backticks, or using somthing like Capture::Tiny, and then do something with the output. By the way, you might get more responses on Stack Overflow since this is not really a bioinformatics question. This answer seems relevant if you have multiple jobs to run.
The strength of a queing system is that you dispatch the jobs and let them run when the queing system allocates you resources. you don't want your perl script to wait for the job to finish. If you want to analyse the results of that job, you should prepare and run another job that DEPENDS on the previous one. Let's assume you have two jobs: blast and parse. You run the job blast with a particular name (on my system option -N) and then you run the parse job with option that waits for completion of the blast job (on my system option -hold_jid)
If the script writes to standard out, you can capture the output by using backticks ( ` ` ) instead of the system() call.
my $output=`qsub -I -x myscript.sh`
Edit: There is also the -sync y option, which from the qsub man page,
-sync y causes qsub to wait for the job to complete
before exiting. If the job completes successfully,
qsub's exit code will be that of the completed job. If
the job fails to complete successfully, qsub will print
out a error message indicating why the job failed and
will have an exit code of 1.
Which does not seem to provide output capturing, but may be more suitable (especially due to the issue mentioned below by Jeremy).
One we have implemented this problem but we did it in a different way. You can lunch your job as you did in you code and then create a function that roughly do as follow (I didn't test it , if it doesn't work just try to play arround with the code)
sub CheckQsub{
my $job_name=shift;
my $stop= 1;
my $status=qx[$command];
my @jobsStatus=split(/\n/,$status);
my @targetJobStatus = grep(/$job_name/,@jobsStatus);#Here we get only the status of the of interest
if(scalar(@targetJobStatus )== 0)#if no job is running{$stop=0;}
Roughly this is the code as you can notice we just check if the action finished we don't know if it there was an error or a normal finish you can addition check points after calling this function.
hope that helps.
Yeah; it is a good idea also. But some times some programs don't generate log results and it is hard to tell if they are finished or not from the log file. I think one can combine the two strategies. First check "qsub" when no job is there check the log file to see if every thing worked well.
Checking the result file is ok, but if it has a huge size maybe it will be that fast.
Did you check the options to add dependency to the job with qsub?
system() just returns the status of the command (1 for success). You may want to capture the output using backticks, or using somthing like Capture::Tiny, and then do something with the output. By the way, you might get more responses on Stack Overflow since this is not really a bioinformatics question. This answer seems relevant if you have multiple jobs to run.