Hello everyone
I would like to do a bachelor at the ETH in Zurich, with the prospect of working in bioinformatics (preferably in research). I'm considering two bachelors, either an interdisciplinary bachelor with a focus on biochemistry or a standard physics bachelor. you can see the respective course outline here: physics and the 1/3/5th semester and the 2/4/6th semester in biochemistry. A friend recently told me that if I was into doing a lot of computational simulations (which I am) then he would suggest doing a bachelor in physics first, in order to get a sound mathematical foundation. what would you suggest? thanks.
Make sure you get experience with programming and analyzing data, whatever your formal degree program is in...
If I had my time again I'd take straight Physics; anecdotally many of the most impressive Bioinformaticians I've come across have come from a Physics background