Does anybody know how to apply the IDR code on lists of read counts per peak, instead of the usual narrowPeak format:
peak-1 20
peak-2 25
peak-3 23
So that using IDR and my peak counts, I get a threshold of the minimum peak intensity for my samples?
I suppose the best version to use is the one explained below, as seen on this url:
(1) batch-consistency-analysis.r
Rscript batch-consistency-analysis.r [peakfile1] [peakfile2] [peak.half.width] [outfile.prefix] [min.overlap.ratio] [is.broadpeak] [ranking.measure]
Typical usage for SPP peak caller peaks
Rscript batch-consistency-analysis.r [peakfile1] [peakfile2] -1 [outfile.prefix] 0 F q.value
Typical usage for MACSv2 peak caller peaks
Rscript batch-consistency-analysis.r [peakfile1] [peakfile2] -1 [outfile.prefix] 0 F p.value
[peakfile1] and [peakfile2] are the peak calls for the pair of replicates in narrowPeak format. They must be uncompressed files.
e.g. /peaks/reps/chipSampleRep1_VS_controlSampleRep0.narrowPeak AND /peaks/reps/chipSampleRep2_VS_controlSampleRep0.narrowPeak
Any ideas?
may be this can help Irreproducible Discovery Rate and