FYI--this is tomorrow, but they store the webinars and you can watch later if you can't make it. I'm not posting the webinar details here, but you can get that at their link to the webinar series.
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The next NCBO Webinar will be presented by Andrew Su from The Scripps Research Institute on "Translating unstructured, crowdsourced content into structured data" at 10:00am PST, Wednesday, Feb. 20. Below is information on how to join the online meeting via WebEx and accompanying teleconference. For the full schedule of the NCBO Webinar presentations see:
ABSTRACT: The use of crowdsourcing in biology is gaining popularity as a mechanism to tackle challenges of massive scale. However, to maximize participation and lower the barriers to entry, contributions to crowdsourcing efforts are typically not well-structured, which makes computing on these data challenging and difficult. The presentation will discuss strategies for translating this unstructured content into structured data. Three vignettes (in varying degrees of completion) will be described, one each from our Gene Wiki 1, BioGPS 2, and serious gaming 3 initiatives.