I would like individual level genotypes for a SNP that appears in the 1000 genomes browser and dbSNP. When I pull the VCF for the region using the Data Slicer, I get calls for SNPs around my Mystery SNP but not for my actual mystery SNP. Pulling down the VCF and searching with tabix gives the same result. It's not clear to me why this SNP doesn't have individual calls. Is the most reasonable way to go forward to pull down the region around the SNP from the source BAM files and call genotypes with mpileup? If so, is there a better way to do this than manually scripting it out? Thanks.
The most likely explanation is that your SNP is in dbSNP but not in 1000Genomes. dbSNP contains many false positive SNPs, so maybe they have removed it because they didn't find it in the 1000 Genomes data.
A equally likely cause is that 1000g missed it. There are a whole bunch of filters in SNP calling. We know occasionally even common SNPs may get filtered out.
The unfiltered input call sets for phase1 can be found ftp://ftp.1000genomes.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/ftp/phase1/analysis_results/input_call_sets/
If your site is in this set and we filter it out we believe it is a false positive
If you site isn't in this set it might be real but rare or it might be a false positive, you would have to assess the quality and source of your data to make that decision