I would like to know the geographic distribution of article citations : is there any tool that can map locations of groups citing the article?
I would like to know the geographic distribution of article citations : is there any tool that can map locations of groups citing the article?
6 years ago, I wrote a tool extracting the geo-data from the 'affiliation' field in the xml pubmed records.
The result has moved to: http://www-958.ibm.com/software/analytics/manyeyes/visualizations/publications-about-rotaviruses
What source of articles and their citations to use is another issue. If you limit yourself to PubMed, you can use Elink to find citations for an article like this:
where PMID is the PubMed ID of an article.
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I do not know of any existing tool, nor did anything come up in web search. It would be fun to write one, but there are some difficulties. Parsing articles to extract author affiliation and country is not straightforward.