I have sequence files from Gossypium herbaceum. To go further with the analysis, is there any genome available for Gossypium herbaceum, or should I take the any genome of the species that is close with the Gossypium herbaceum species ?
I have sequence files from Gossypium herbaceum. To go further with the analysis, is there any genome available for Gossypium herbaceum, or should I take the any genome of the species that is close with the Gossypium herbaceum species ?
Check the links, I refered to them long back during a course in bioinformatics... But I think a little browsing on your part might fetch you far more resources
Along with the links Rohit shared, there are numerous genome resources and a fairly good draft for Gossypium raimondii (genome paper), which is available at Phytozome among other places.
I have some colleagues working on cotton projects and as far as I know there is no current initiative to sequence the Gossypium herbaceum genome. That being said, it's a very close species to Gossypium raimondii and will hybridize, so I don't think there should be any serious hindrance to using the genome for RNA-Seq or other read mapping studies, if that is what you have planned, you didn't give us much information to go on.
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