Background: In this study [1] "Transposable elements have rewired the core regulatory network of human embryonic stem cells" the authors mention that they obtained 20kb of both upstream and downstream non-coding sequences for certain genes.
Question: To keep this brief, let's generalize this to say I would like to obtain 20-kb of non-coding sequences for a given gene (say SFRP2), or multiple genes, how would I do this through UCSC or Ensembl?
I have tried to do this in UCSC with the table browser with the following, use one sample gene in the table browser and then select "Gene and Gene Prediction Tracks", pick for the output format to return sequences and in the sequence retrieval part pick the following:
Sequence Retrieval Region Options, pick Downstream by 20000 bases
Is this the correct way to obtain the non-coding sequences? Thank you for the help
It does sound like you are using UCSC table browser appropriately.