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11.7 years ago
I have a problem downloading additional databases on two Ubuntu 12.10 machines. On all my other PCs it is working without a Problem.
Here is what I get:
user@host:~/annovar$ perl annotate_variation.pl -buildver hg19 -downdb refgene humandb/
WARNING: cannot retrieve remote files automatically (by 'wget' command or by standard Net::FTP/LWP::UserAgent Perl module).
Please manually download the following file, uncompress the files to humandb directory, then add a hg19_ prefix to the file names.
user@host:~/annovar$ perl annotate_variation.pl -buildver hg19 -downdb -webfrom annovar refgene humandb/
WARNING: cannot retrieve remote files automatically (by 'wget' command or by standard Net::FTP/LWP::UserAgent Perl module).
Please manually download the following file, uncompress the files to humandb directory, then add a hg19_ prefix to the file names.
wget is installed and working normally. Any Ideas?
Can someone confirm that it is working with 12.10 normally?
Do you have the right perl modules installed, those that provide Net::FTP and/or LWP::UserAgent?
I installed nothing special. I am new at the institute here an my collegues who work with annovar 12.04 say that they did nothing special. So I think this is waht is missing... I try to google it but would be happy if you have any hint what to install ;)
If sounds like you have made some non-standard installation. The script is actually telling you that not even wget is available (wget is standard in Debian based distroes, as far as I know).
What is the output of which wget?