I have downloaded data from InsilicoDB which is an ExpressionSet. When performing the e<- exprs(eSet) I get values which have been fRMA normalized however I expected that these values would have been Log2Ratio Transformed however they seem to be in a scale of 2.00-16.00
If I were to run these through a log2 Transformation then it would suggest that none of the values would be negative and hence show no down regulation across the 54,000 probes which is not really realistic.
My question is looking for clarification about the format of the data after fRMA I have read the fRMA paper and this seems to hint toward data that is already log2 transformed.
I am quite confused by this so any help or ideas would be appreciated.
cheers, Jonathan
frma data is log2 transformed. Are you using the InSilico DB R package (http://www.bioconductor.org/packages/2.12/bioc/html/inSilicoDb.html) or the web interface (https://insilicodb.org)?