Hi, I need to present a paper for a Journal Club. I would like to present a high-impact paper in a hot research topic in bioinformatics/computational biology. Can you suggest any topic?
Hi, I need to present a paper for a Journal Club. I would like to present a high-impact paper in a hot research topic in bioinformatics/computational biology. Can you suggest any topic?
Check out answer to this BioStar thread: Best Papers On Computational Biology From 2010
Also, you can browse for comp bio/bioinf papers on Citeulike's Citegeist: http://www.citeulike.org/citegeist?days=28
Or search through recent post's to Citeulike libraries for comp bio/bioinf papers in 2011: http://www.citeulike.org/search/all?q=bioinformatics+OR+computational+biology+%2B+year%3A2011
Stalking the Fourth Domain in Metagenomic Data: Searching for, Discovering, and Interpreting Novel, Deep Branches in Marker Gene Phylogenetic Trees Wu D, Wu M, Halpern A, Rusch DB, Yooseph S, et al. 2011 PLoS ONE 6(3): e18011. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0018011
Note: I didn't read that paper but it was 'much' liked on FF: http://friendfeed.com/treeoflife/5535e8ed/story-behind-of-my-new-plosone-paper-on-stalking
You might want to look into this NatureNews blog post and the papers behind that:
It explains the difficulties in finding cancer biomarkers (and in fact genomic biomarkers in general)
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And I thought you would recommend your latest ;-)
hello Pierre Lindenbaum Sir, what's your email.id.. can you give me...