Hi people!
I've been using StackOverflow for some time and I appreciate the invaluable support this community has provided me to learn better tricks with my coding. (if you don't know about it and do some coding in your work or for fun, I highly suggest you go have a look there!). There is, however, a definitive lack of interest or knowledge concerning bio-informatics on StackOverflow.
I have only found BioStar a few days ago and already feel how tremendously helpful this community could be, if it grew to reach it's critical mass. The cross-breed that are bio-informaticians could definitely use such a common space and no doubt make it a fun place to share precious experience and information.
We can all take part in contributing to the growth of this community. The http://biostar.stackexchange.com/bootstrap page already lists three suggestions to do just that:
- Invite people (kind of makes sense by itself...)
- Ask questions (to populate the wiki with useful information)
- Create tags (to help classifying this information)
We can even add other concrete actions to these. What about:
- Publicity (talk about BioStar on your blog, facebook page, twitter, you name it!)
- Add your own!
I suggest that we give a few minutes of our time in the coming week to help that community grow into the incredible resource it has the potential of becoming :)
Please contribute your ideas on how to achieve this goal!
Can only help! Thanks for this redirection of French brains :)