I want to use the ACT tool of the Gerstein lab (http://info.gersteinlab.org/ACT_Tool) and noticed that they use the sgr as input for their aggregator tool. Before hacking/slashing together some scripts is there anyway I can use the common tools out there (bedtools, bamtools, bioperl etc etc) to convert any of the more common file formats (I want to use ENCODE data) into this sgr file format?
The file format description from the wiki:
Signal file. Tab-delimited file containing signals and positions. Depending on what type of file is specified as well as how probewidth (see below) is defined, these can either represent discrete points with an independent probe width, or they can represent the signal for all locations until the next defined spot. Take, for example, the following excerpt from a signal file:
chr1 10 2.3
chr1 40 5.0
Looking at this format I assume that converting from a wiggle file is easiest.
I think you are right about getting wig file converted into sgr format. However, here, they just correct coordinates by 1: https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/unix-and-perl-for-biologists/L9KrNnuxQ7k