Hi Everyone
Suppose i have a list of all the genes for a particular organism with their read counts under different conditions . Some thing like this
gene_name condition1 condition2 condition3
geneA 24 48 102
geneB 30 87 147
geneC 128 23 44
and so on..
What i want to know is which genes are up regulated and which of them are down regulated genome wide.
Is there a way to do this.
Let me know
I guess it's transcripts, but could you clarify?
Well data is rna seq so yes transcripts my mistake
You can not know the "true" expression of the transcripts even though it's RNA-seq (at least not yet to my knowledge). What you've is the number of reads that map to the gene (either including or excluding introns). But it is not transcript expression. That's why it's called differential gene expression.