Dear Users,
We have sequenced, assembled, annotated, the genome of a sp. nov. bacterium using 454 and Illumina Hybrid Sequencing and submitted it to the NCBI GenBank. We have also annotated COG details. Apart from that, we have performed several wet lab works like whole VITEK Gen2, physiological tests, Transmission Electron Microscopy, MALDI-TOF, Gram Staining etc.
We were actually preparing for submission in Standards in Genomic Sciences (SIGS), but it turned out that the editors require money at the time of submission, and the money is not refunded even if the paper is not accepted , a risk that me and my institution is not willing to take.
So, here we are, with all those work done, time and money spent, paper written, and shelved!!!
Please suggest some other journal which accepts similar papers, maybe little more benchwork but at least accept what we have done so far.
Thanking you for reading so far.
Aditya Singh
it sounds like too much work was done for a two page report...Any of the other ASM journals would be better suited?
Thank you sentausa for the reply but Whetting is right, we have some papers in GenomeA, it is only for announcing the sequence with little information about the assembly and features. We have much more data than that. I am looking into some Journals. People have suggested PLOS ONE and BMC Genomics, but I am not sure if they will accept a draft genome of bacterium with 128 contigs.