Hi all, good afternoon!
I have a somewhat naive question for those familiar with the Ensembl API, I hope somebody can help me. I am fetching transcription binding sites by genomic slice, and now I have got a list of them. The code basically looks like this:
my $slice_adaptor = $registry -> get_adaptor( 'human', 'core', 'slice' );
my $regfeat_adaptor = $registry -> get_adaptor( 'human', 'funcgen', 'regulatoryfeature' );
my $slice = $slice_adaptor -> fetch_by_region( 'chromosome', 5, 1200000, 1300000 );
my @reg_feats = @{ $regfeat_adaptor -> fetch_all_by_Slice( $slice ) };
foreach my $reg_feat ( @reg_feats ){
my @motif_feats = @{ $reg_feat -> regulatory_attributes( 'motif' ) };
For these transcription binding sites, I am able to get a binding score and the sequence. All well so far, but now I'd like to see what effect a SNP or some variant in these sites would have on the binding, by seeing how it would affect the score. Is there a way to do this with the API? I was thinking the answer might lie with creating a new 'customized' slice object, but I am not sure if then it could be evaluated (and I am not quite sure it is possible either).
Any help would be greatly appreciated :)
Thanks a lot! Daniela
I should also add that you could use the Variant Effect Predictor to do a similar task, although I believe this only shows whether the SNP is in a high information position and whether it increases or decreases the score wrt the consensus. This has the side benefit of providing much more useful information about variation consequences (e.g. sift, polyphen scores), and is not limited to the location of motif features:
Happy to help