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11.9 years ago
I was trying to use
htseq-count --mode /home/user/test.sam home/homo_sapiens.GRCh37.70.gtf
I get
htseq-count: Command not found
I have installed the HTSeq package and I am running this command from command line and not in python shell. Can somebody help me with this issue.
Thanks in advance.
Thanks Albert. I still get an error that says "Python: Can't open file 'htseq-count' : [Errno 2] No such file or direcotory " ..
you need to actually find the script and run it from where it is located not just invoke it any place - you also need to learn what it means to run scripts in a command line environment
it will look like:
and we don't know where it was installed, it should have informed you of it while you installed it
Thanks. Sorry about that and that works.
also note fomr the htseq-count website, you will need to use at least python 2.5.
Check your python version by typing