Hello biostars!
Following this tutorial I tried to analyse trait evolution (data, which is in tutorial zip. archive: limbs and anolis trees).
In the part of "Quantifying Uncertainty", as suggested, I considered 10 trees and fitted three models to all of 10 trees.
Models: "Brownian Motion", "Early Burst" and "Ornstein-Uhlenbeck".
The question is whether our model selection is robust to phylogenetic uncertainty.
fitContinuous suggested EB, and the final step in this part of analysis is comparison of models over distribution of my 10 phylogenies by density plot.
Can you please help me in interpretation of results?
My questions are following:
- Is BM model not robust to phylogenetic uncertainty, because of its curve?
- If EB model is robust to phylogenetic uncertainty, how can we explain it by plot curves?
- Another thoughts about plot?
- What does it mean "density"? Is it "roughly "how many trees over one AICc value?
To be honest, I stucked with this plot and do not understand its meaning and interpretation.
Not to dissuade you from posting questions here, I'm sure there are plenty of people who can help with statistics and PCMs, but you should also know the R special interest group of phylogenetic methods is very helpful: https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-sig-phylo