Hello dear biostars,
I'm trying to run a program from a standard suite. My machine is a 32 bits, running the latest Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS, Precise Pangolin.
However, when trying to execute the file, I always get the line:
sakti@kratos:~/Desktop/pipeline/bin$ ./programX
bash: ./programX: cannot execute binary file
Even after I had changed permissions, made it executable, and available on my $PATH.
If I force sudo ./programX
, then I get this weird binary message:
./programX 1: ./programX: ~r�?:���
y��ȁ: not found
./programX: 1: ./programX: �: not found
./programX: 1: ./programX: �@$?$??Q�td/lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2???GNU??: not found
So it seems I'm missing a /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2???GNU?? library or similar. However, I don't have any directory where I have 64 bits libraries, so I'm at a loss, and I'd appreciate any input you may give me.
Thanks so much!
The binary available for download is for 64bit systems only. Moreover, I can't find the source files anywhere, nor the instructions on how you would compile them. Your best option is to contact the author and ask him to fix the problem - I am sure he will appreciate your feedback, and asnwer you quickly.