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11.6 years ago
Dear All,
I have been successfully using library "GenomeGraphs" to draw a figure with affy's exon array intensity data and Ensembl geneAnnotaion track. My qustion is how can I replace the Ensembl transcript annotation track with UCSC knownGene track or NCBI's RefSeq track? Below is my code for Ensembl track
mart <- useMart("ensembl", dataset = "hsapiens_gene_ensembl")
title <- makeTitle(text = "Test")
exon <- makeExonArray(intensity = arrayData)
affyModel.model <- makeGeneModel(start = unrPositions$start, end = unrPositions$stop)
affyModel <- makeAnnotationTrack(start = unrPositions$start, end = unrPositions$stop, feature = "gene_model",group = geneid[i], dp = DisplayPars(gene_model = "darkblue"))
plusStrand <- makeGeneRegion(chromosome = as.character(unrPositions[1,"seqname"]),start = min(unrPositions$start), end = max(unrPositions$stop), strand = as.character(unrPositions[1,"strand"]), biomart = mart)
gdPlot(list(title, exon, affyModel, ga, transcript, legend), minBase = min(unrPositions$start),maxBase = max(unrPositions$stop))