I do mostly eukaryotic RNA-seq using Tophat2 and then cufflinks, DEseq, edgeR, etc.
I have some bacterial rRNA- (Ribo-zero) and TruSeq directional (strand-specific) samples, PE-50 on my HiSeq 2500. I am not sure the best way to go about the alignment since these have no introns, do I use bowtie2 or bwa directly or should I still use a GTF and Tophat2?
For GTF files, is there a standard location to retrieve these? If I have a GFF can I use it or do I need to format into a GTF?
Thank you!
The RiboZero library will remove the ribosomal RNA, which typically makes up >95% of the total RNA. Unlike with eukaryotes, we can't enrich for mRNA using polyA tails, so we deplete rRNA instead.