I have known the expression(normalized) of miRNA between two samples ,I want to calculate the p-value and if the p-value <0.01.Thank you for your advice first !
I have known the expression(normalized) of miRNA between two samples ,I want to calculate the p-value and if the p-value <0.01.Thank you for your advice first !
If you have only two samples (and each sample has only one measurement per gene, I am assuming), getting a statistical measure (p-value) of differential expression is not possible. Perhaps the best you can do is to calculate a fold change between the two samples.
refer this (especially page:17) http://bioconductor.org/packages/2.12/bioc/vignettes/edgeR/inst/doc/edgeRUsersGuide.pdf
It is just a common way to see how many times a probe is over/under expressed in a group vs the other.
Since the mean of your 2 populations is the observation itself (N=1), It doesn't have much sense (even if technically feasible) to use T-test based statistics (e.g. limma)
So look at biologically interesting differences.
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could you give more informations (which tool ?, which type of data ? , etc...)