Hi, I'm trying to get NCBI vecscreen (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/VecScreen/VecScreen.html) to work as a command-line for examining many sequences. I've tried compiling NCBI toolbox, but NCBI toolbox is very large and didn't work for me very well. I tried compiling with only blast, but the dependencies for vecscreen don't seem to be included when I tried to run vecscreen. I tried using qblast (with blastn) in BioPython with the parameters for vecscreen on the website, but I got different results. I tried compiling NCBI toolbox on linux and windows. I couldn't find how to compile blast, etc. in Visual C++ on Windows, and the linux attempt didn't have the dependencies or something for vecscreen.
Does anyone know:
- Can vecscreen be used in biopython somehow? Maybe with qblast?
- What configuration options, etc. do I need to run for the NCBI toolbox to get vecscreen to compile on windows or linux?
The BioPython qblast parameters that I used are: result_handle = NCBIWWW.qblast("blastn", "UniVec", record.seq, expect=700, filter="m D", nucl_penalty=-5, gapcosts="2 2", searchsp_eff=1.75e12) VecScreen says that gapcosts should be "3 3", but qblast doesn't accept this. I got different results than running vecscreen from the website.
The VecScreen parameters are pre-set using blastn options: -q -5 -G 3 -E 3 -F "m D" -e 700 -Y 1.75e12
Any help is appreciated.
Is there a way to do vecscreen locally?
Not that I am aware of.
I figured out part (2): http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK7167/