Details of my dataset: Phospho-proteomics data generated from MS LTQ Thermo Finigan. Sample are from 2 groups: control v/s disease model of heart. The samples were collected from 3 different animals in each group. The method uses two phase column (enrichment column IMAC and RP C18(analysis column)). The details of the method used is published in this journal article
I need your advise regarding few softwares / easy methods that can be used to identify deferentially phospho-sites (TSY residues phosphorylated) from Thermo Finigan RAW files or from mZxml files. What I mean is: for example say on the protein-A if there are several residues which can be phosphorylated only in treatment sample but not in control. I want to list out proteins that will hold such differential regulated phospho-sites having statistical significance.
Thank you