Could anyone tell me how the alignment of two trees in this figure is drawn? Thanks!
Reference: Phylogenetic Distribution of Potential Cellulases in Bacteria
Could anyone tell me how the alignment of two trees in this figure is drawn? Thanks!
Reference: Phylogenetic Distribution of Potential Cellulases in Bacteria
The R library ape
has a function called cophyloplot
that should get you started. You provide two trees and matrix describing the association between tip-lables in each tree (they don't have to be 1:1 and missing taxa are OK). Here's the example from the function's docs
tree1<-rtree(40) #random tree with 40 leaves
tree2<-rtree(20) #random tree with 20 leaves
#creation of the association matrix
association<-matrix(ncol=2, nrow=40)
cophyloplot(tree1, tree2, assoc=association, length.line=4, space=28, gap=3)
If the tip labels in your tree match up you can set your association matricx to
replicate(2, your_tr $tip.label)
I think that a "simple" way would be to build both trees....concatenate all the sequences in the order found in the tree and run a synteny plot. This would not scale the same as the trees...but would give you an idea.
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It loks like they are two different clusterings (trees) of the same input data. So there is just a grey line connecting the same dataset. Or did you want to know a tool that does things like this? The clustering or just the visualisation?
Thanks! I want to get a visulization.
Can you specify the paper from which this figure is taken?