Hi, I am using Gene Pattern to find differential expression genes. The ComparativeMarkerSelection module provides a list of statistic parameters such as rank,Score, Feature P,Feature P Low/High, FDR(BH), Q Value, Bonferroni, maxI, FWER and fold change. I just know these parameters are similar with p value, but I don't know the exact meaning of each one.
My question is how to select differential genes? which parameter should be used? Thank you.
I'm not familiar with GenePattern, so I dont know how the Rank or Score is being calculated. A possible threshold can be the absolute fold change (What is a good threshold for log2 fold change?). Take also a look on the p-values after multiple testing correction (FDR), they should be smaller than 0.05 to be significant. This is also worth to read.
From the website: