I'm having problems running music bmr calc_covg for exome data. For each of my normal/tumour BAM pairs, calcRoiCovg dies, saying "Floating point exception (core dumped)":
Failed to execute: calcRoiCovg /media/medapd/Data/maggie-0634LEE/1117B.bam /media/medapd/Data/maggie-0634LEE/T1117.bam /home/medapd/Desktop/music-0634LEE/test-roi.txt /home/medapd/Desktop/music-0634LEE/reference/ucsc.hg19.fasta /home/medapd/Desktop/music-0634LEE/music/calc-covg/roi_covgs/maggie-exome_1_1.covg 6 8 20
Failed to execute: 'gmt music bmr calc-covg-helper --normal-tumor-bam-pair "maggie-exome_1_1 /media/medapd/Data/maggie-0634LEE/1117B.bam /media/medapd/Data/maggie-0634LEE/T1117.bam" --roi-file "/home/medapd/Desktop/music-0634LEE/test-roi.txt" --reference-sequence "/home/medapd/Desktop/music-0634LEE/reference/ucsc.hg19.fasta" --output-file "/home/medapd/Desktop/music-0634LEE/music/calc-covg/roi_covgs/maggie-exome_1_1.covg"'
I've tried with both my real ROI file, and also with a smaller test ROI file (same results):
1 879584 894670 NOC2L
The BAM files both have reads in this region:
samtools view ~/Desktop/maggie-0634LEE/1117B.bam 1:879584-894670 | wc -l
gives 1502 reads (no idea of their quality though!)
samtools view ~/Desktop/maggie-0634LEE/T1117.bam 1:879584-894670 | wc -l
gives 1867 reads
uname -a gives: Linux XXXXXXXX 3.5.0-27-generic #46-Ubuntu SMP Mon Mar 25 19:58:17 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
I built Genome music "by hand" following the instructions here, and it has worked for other analyses.
Any ideas what I might be doing wrong?
Thanks very much, Alastair Droop
Thanks very much for your answer. The issue appears to have been a mismatch between reference used for the alignment and the MuSiC suite. Now that's solved, all is running...