I have a local vcf
file on my computer (it is actually the full chromosome 22). I would like to subset it in regions. I know tabix
can do it, but I can't find the way...
When I use tabix to connect to the ftp server there is no problem; I easily get the vcf file. But doing it locally, even if I download and put in the same folder the proper index .tbi
file, I get nothing.
This is the command I am using:
/home/peixe/tabix-0.2.6/tabix -fh -p vcf ALL.chr22.phase1_release_v3.20101123.snps_indels_svs.genotypes.vcf.gz 22:1500000-1600000
But I am only getting an empty vcf file. In the tabix help manual, it does not not provide any tip about it...
Does anyone know a way to do it?
Note: the file must be compressed using the bgzip tool provided in the tabix package. If the file is compressed with another tool (e.g. tar), tabix won't work correctly.
Hmmm... This is weird. Before I was skipping the first step. But now, once done, I only get an empty file (just the header)...
chr22 has a big telomeric region in 5': you won't find any variant here: Try another region.
hahaha... I feel silly now. Years in this world, now I know it...
Make sure your chromosomes named as "22" not "chr22", or you need to use "chr22:150000-160000".
Yep, it works now. Thank you all!