This is somewhat related to my Bioperl Bio::Db::Entrezgene No Longer Works. I've been using the BioPerl module Bio::DB::EntrezGene to automate my conversion of EntrezGene IDs (as retrieved from BioMart) to Entrez gene names. However, that module no longer seems to work. I'd still like to have a automated way of retrieving Entrez gene names, so I was wondering if anyone here had any suggestions as to how to go about it. For example, are there other (still-functional) BioPerl modules that can retrieve the gene name, given the EntrezGene ID? It doesn't have to be in BioPerl (although something in Perl would be nice); really, I'd just like to avoid having to pull down gene entries manually at Batch Entrez.
What species are you are you referring to?
Most of the time, the gene names I need to fetch are for zebrafish, but I've also needed to do it for humans and mice.