Entering edit mode
11.6 years ago
So I'm working with a .SAM file that looks a little like this:
~$ zcat myfile.sam.gz | head -n5
@HD VN:1.0 SO:coordinate
@PG ID:SOLID-GffToSam VN:1.2.1
61_1240_1410 105 chr1 453 255 37M * 0 0 CCCTAACCCTAACCCTCGCGGTACCCTCAGCCGGCCC IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHG<II%%IID-;9EI RG:Z:PI CS:Z:T20023010023010022333013100222230303001200332030122 CO:i:0 CQ:Z:;B>@<>A=;>?@<74A@3>:6B362+B4%A:>''5%A,%1->%2/)>'3= MD:Z:37M NM:i:0
891_487_1977 115 chr1 49291 255 47M = 52033 2792 TGCAGTGACAATATACATAAACAGTGTATGAAAACTCAAGTAAAATC 5II0/FIEB22IIIIFIII@GIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII RG:Z:PI CS:Z:T12300031201221000213311121100331133331112111131101 CO:i:0 CQ:Z:<A?3>?A:4?:@=8<;>=4@?@64<<801@@9.?>>=26-98/0;<1%'8 MD:Z:47M NM:i:0
and want to print reads that mapped in opposite orientation to the reference strand using this:
~$ samtools view -f 0x10 myfile.sam.gz
but I keep getting an error that looks like this:
[bam_header_read] EOF marker is absent. The input is probably truncated.
[bam_header_read] invalid BAM binary header (this is not a BAM file).
[main_samview] fail to read the header from "solid0388_20100319_1_887_Paired_8.mates.sortedFragments.sam.gz".
Any suggestions? For what it's worth, I'm using the latest version of samtools in Fedora.
I'm getting this:
I've updated my answer.
Thanks very much!