Hi everyone!
I am struggling with annotating a very big .bam file that was mapped using TopHat. The run was a large number of reads : ~200M. The problem is that when I now try to Annotate each read using a GFF file (with BEDTools Intersect Bed), the BED file that is made is huge : It is over 1.7TB ! I have tried running it on a very large server at the institution, but it still runs out of disk space. The IT dept increased $TMPDIR local disk space to 1.5TB so I could run everything on $TMPDIR, but it is still not enough.
What I think I should do is split this .BAM file into several files, maybe 15, so that each set of reads gets Annotated separately on a different node. That way, I would not run out of disk space. And when all the files are annotated, I can do execute groupBy on each, and them simply sum the number of reads that each feature on the GFF got throughout all the files.
However, there is a slight complication to this: After the annotation using IntersectBed, my script counts the number of times a read mapped (all the different features it mapped to) and assigns divides each read by the number of times it mapped. I.e, if a read mapped to 2 regions, each instance of the read is worth 1/2, such that it would only contribute 1/2 a read to each of the features it mapped to.
Because of this, I need to have all the alignments from the .BAM file that belong to each read, contained in one single file. That is to say, I can't simply split the BAM file into 15 files, because without luck, I could end up with a 2 BAM files that have the alignments of a single read split between them, leading to the division not being correct.
How can I instruct UNIX to count a certain number of unique reads on the BAM file, output all the alignments to a new file, and continue with the rest of the BAM file, such that all reads have their n alignments contained in one single file (but shared with other reads)?
Thank you!
you need to annotate each read ? what kind of annotation to you put in each read ?
I run the mapped .bam file through IntersectBed, which assigns a feature from a GFF file to each mapped read, i.e., to what gene (based on that gene's coordinates), that read corresponds, based on its coordinates given by TopHat.
ok, why do you need this ? I mean, do you run any downstream analysis 'by-gene' ? Can't you do this on the whole BAM ? e.g: to get mean depth per gene,I would feed the gatk with the bam and a bed.
The reason I can't do this on the whole BAM is because the .BED file is too big for the available disk space, which is ~1.5TB. The BED file gets to 1.7TB and stalls or crashes.. :(