where can i get a genes which are expressed in different developmental stages of drosophila?
where can i get a genes which are expressed in different developmental stages of drosophila?
FlyMine includes expression data per stage from BDGP in situs and Fly-FISH mRNA localisation. You can find some appropriate canned queries at this page: http://www.flymine.org/query/templates.do by typing 'stage' into the filter box.
As suggested before, you can access modENCODE data sets by developmental stage here: http://data.modencode.org/
Here, let me google that for you: http://bit.ly/10fLCjS
4th one down looks pretty good http://www.modencode.org/
I recommend you use the "Development" tool of Genevestigator (in the GENE SEARCH toolset). You can choose an individual growth stage and the search engine will explore 1700 whole-genome microarrays to find genes specifically expressed in that growth stage (as compared to other stages of development).
(start the application from the pharma/biotech side to see Drosophila appear in the list of organisms)
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