I never looked at 1000g/hapmap/complete genomics data before, I seek to have access to the aligned genomic data (bam format)for the following three individuals:
- NA20356
- NA20357
- NA20358
which are together in this file: http://hapmap.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/downloads/samples_individuals/relationships_w_pops_121708.txt
If you choose to answer this question :
- Yes I know about the hapmap and 1000g ftp sites, I searched a lot on them but to no avail hence biostars.
- Yes I googled it
- Please provide links for all 3.
Thanks !
Copy paste error, I corrected my post, where is NA20358 ?
Looks like that individual hasn't been sequenced yet (or at least we don't have the data yet), but I am currently trying to find out.
I can now confirm that NA20358 hasn't been sequenced and afaik won't be either.
We do have omni, axiom and the illumina lof exome chip data on this individual though