Hi, I have psipred working (thanks to some posters on here) and can confirm it works for single sequences - however when I input a fasta file with multiple sequences it only gives the output for the last sequence in the file. does anyone know how to get round this?
here is the runpsipred.pl script:
# This is a simple script which will carry out all of the basic steps
# required to make a PSIPRED V3 prediction using BLAST+. Note that it
# assumes that the following programs are in the appropriate directories:
# psiblast - PSIBLAST executable (from NCBI BLAST+)
# psipred - PSIPRED V3 program
# psipass2 - PSIPRED V3 program
# chkparse - PSIPRED V3 program
# NOTE: Experimental PSIPRED script with BLAST+ compatability (DTJ May 2010)
# The name of the BLAST+ data bank
set dbname = uniref90filt
# Where the NCBI BLAST+ programs have been installed
set ncbidir = /usr/local/bin
# Where the PSIPRED V3 programs have been installed
set execdir = ../bin
# Where the PSIPRED V3 data files have been installed
set datadir = ../data
set basename = $1:r
set rootname = $basename:t
# Generate a "unique" temporary filename root
set hostid = `hostid`
set tmproot = psitmp$$$hostid
\cp -f $1 $tmproot.fasta
echo "Running PSI-BLAST with sequence" $1 "..."
$ncbidir/psiblast -db $dbname -query $tmproot.fasta -inclusion_ethresh 0.001 -out_pssm $tmproot.chk -num_iterations 3 -num_alignments 0 >& $tmproot.blast
if ($status != 0) then
tail $tmproot.blast
echo "FATAL: Error whilst running blastpgp - script terminated!"
exit $status
echo "Predicting secondary structure..."
$execdir/chkparse $tmproot.chk > $tmproot.mtx
if ($status != 0) then
echo "FATAL: Error whilst running chkparse - script terminated!"
exit $status
echo Pass1 ...
$execdir/psipred $tmproot.mtx $datadir/weights.dat $datadir/weights.dat2 $datadir/weights.dat3 > $rootname.ss
if ($status != 0) then
echo "FATAL: Error whilst running psipred - script terminated!"
exit $status
echo Pass2 ...
$execdir/psipass2 $datadir/weights_p2.dat 1 1.0 1.0 $rootname.ss2 $rootname.ss > $rootname.horiz
if ($status != 0) then
echo "FATAL: Error whilst running psipass2 - script terminated!"
exit $status
# Remove temporary files
echo Cleaning up ...
\rm -f $tmproot.* error.log
echo "Final output files:" $rootname.ss2 $rootname.horiz
echo "Finished."
can anyone see why it is not storing (or rather overwriting) n-1 outputs?
if anyone can point me to where i need to change this that would be great.
thanks, arron.
I am trying to run pgenthreader.sh script, the result is : Finished 3 iterations PSI-BLAST usage : psipred weight-file seq-file usage : psipass2 weight-file seq-file DCA DCB PSIPRED failed ... exiting early (It is creating the sequence.pgen.ss file but its blank) so, I tried to run psipred command separately : /media/kakarot/ppi/psipred/bin$ psipred /media/kakarot/ppi/genthreader/sequence.iter3.mtx /media/kakarot/ppi/psipred/data/weights.dat /media/kakarot/ppi/psipred/data/weights.dat2 /media/kakarot/ppi/psipred/data/weights.dat3 > /media/kakarot/ppi/genthreader/sequence.pgen.ss But i am getting : psipred: command not found