Hi All,
I was wondering if anybody can provide me with links to good review papers which use computational biology/bioinformatics approaches to tackle the problem of telomere shortening and different epigenetic factors involved. Although there are a lot of publications available that talk about it but I couldn't find any which were computationally intensive and I was wondering if other people have tried to model the problem computationally or is it even feasible to do so. Also since cancer cells have a different telomere length maintenance mechanism "Alternative lengthening of telomeres" (ALT) I was wondering if people have used the encode or other available dataset to answer biological questions about telomere length maintenance during cancer vs the control set using various computational/statistical methods
Yeah Thanks I have gone through these reviews before. But I was wondering how feasible it is to target this problem using datasets like ENCODE or others available at NIH Roadmap to epigenomics. I am really interested to go ahead in using these data sets to study how ALT may be affecting different cancers differently and somehow come up with a computational model to describe it. I am just concerned about the feasibility of the project using these data sets