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11.6 years ago
Hi there,
Looking for a collaborative colleague in Phyto-Phylo/Geo-Genomics - to work alongside for data mining (you + me) and manuscript writing (me) ! Got Ideas and huge scope. Short-to-mid term collaboration. Not spamming. Thus, looking for serious seekers. Thanks in advance.
Thanks, Justin
Have you generated any of your own data? What sorts of skills are you looking for? Data mining is a very wide field.
Hi Zev, Thanks for the query. I have strong 'hypothesis ready' with me: mostly biological aspects of it. Been working on informatics aspects since a couple of months, now. Tough to translate them and back them up with data.
Well, by Data Mining I mean loads of Local BLASTS (p/n), GO & PFam Enrichment with available genomes/ESTs/PGDBs, in order to explore synteny, HGT etc.
Wonder if you knew someone with genuine interest in this regard.
But, I want the results to be part of Top Notch publications as a result- noting less to settle down. Could be a group of people/ consortia. A full-time researcher here- but willing to invest time to participate to grow together !
Welcome for other queries. Thanks