I am trying to makeContrasts between samples such that I can identify differentially regulated genes in a single sample.. (not a pairwise comparison). Therefore, one of the suggestions was to use limma makecontrasts. And I would like to know how to transform DESeq
scaled/normalised counts to use in limma. Below is my code snipped as to how I get my normalised counts
design <- data.frame(row.names = colnames( countTable ),condition = pheno$Condition, libType = rep("single-end",dim(pheno)[1]))
cds <- newCountDataSet( countTable, conds )
# estimateSizeFactors -----------------------------------------------------
cds <- estimateSizeFactors( cds )
sizeFactors( cds )
#Normalised Counts for other analysis
#Make a counts table that is scaled by the size factors
temp = t(sizeFactors(cds))
sizematrix<-matrix(data=temp, nrow=nrow(countTable), ncol=ncol(temp), byrow=TRUE)
scaledcounts = countTable/sizematrix
Now, I am following the limma guide for voom()
to convert to log2-cpm
design<-model.matrix(~Cell_type) # Cell_type<-c(rep(1,3),rep(2,3),rep(3,3),rep(4,3))
How can I make contrasts such that I can identify genes that are upregulated or downregulated in just one cell_type? Also please comment, if the above transformation from RNA-Seq to Limma is valid.
would be thescaledcounts
from DESeq. Should I use rawcounts here??Yes, you should. Like I said, follow the examples found in the limma user's guide.