Hi all,
I am looking for the coordinates of all the chromosomes in a particular species from ucsc genome browser.
for example, in HG19:
Is there any way to get this list say for human(HG19 or HG18), mouse(mm9 or mm8).
Thanks for your help.
adzpka azdopi, azdazd azdpkpok azdl azd zefpi,ẑepofioif, zeofpzoa,efoi,pẑop zefopi;oi,zoefo azd
hehe! good one! ;-) see C: C: C: C: A: How to get gene regions +3kb upstream
hahah now I understand those random strings :)
Thanks Pierre, but I was just looking to find the chromosome start and end.
do you know what kind of features it describes ? (genes... )
Just a bed file of chromosome coordinates. Basically Chrom# Start End