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11.8 years ago
I am trying to add a new bigwig file to genome browser but i get this error Error End of file reading 4 bytes (got 0). I have a lot bw files, created with the same way, and everything else is working fine except for the specific one.
You should give some more details. How did you create the bigWig file? Can you paste the commands you used? From the error message you get, it seems that the file is empty.
Same error posted elsewhere with a possible solution: https://lists.soe.ucsc.edu/pipermail/genome/2011-July/026420.html
yes, it is a very wise first step to simply google the error message and check if there are any answers or solutions to it. I don't know why so many people keep avoiding this frontline resource before asking anything, because most of the times you can get the answer from one of the first 3 google results. as an example: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Error+End+of+file+reading+4+bytes+(got+0)